- Temporalised Belief Revision in the Law. (bibtex)
by D. Martinez A. Rotolo G. Governatori L. Tamargo
- Temporalised Belief Revision in the Law. (D. Martinez A. Rotolo G. Governatori L. Tamargo), In Proc. of the 30th international conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX2017)., 2017.
Bibtex Entry:
  Title                    = {- Temporalised Belief Revision in the Law.},
  Author                   = {L. Tamargo, D. Martinez, A. Rotolo, G. Governatori},
  Booktitle                = {Proc. of the 30th international conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX2017).},
  Year                     = {2017},
  Url                      = {http://ebooks.iospress.nl/volume/legal-knowledge-and-information-systems-jurix-2017-the-thirtieth-annual-conference}